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Daily Hollywood – J.J. Abrams Returns, Paul McCartney To Remarry, and More

Lilian Min |
September 13, 2011 | 11:54 p.m. PDT

Associate Entertainment Editor

It’s official: after the smashing success of his 2009 Star Trek reboot, J.J. Abrams is on board to direct its sequel. (Vulture)

It’s been three years since his much-covered divorce with Heather Mills, but now Paul McCartney is getting married again to Nancy Shevell, a NYC businesswoman. The two were engaged earlier this year. (US Weekly)

Hollywood can never resist revisiting classic tales, and those of Charles Dickens are no exception. His classic Oliver Twist is being adapted into the movie Olivia Twisted, a modernized version starring Twilight’s Ashley Greene. (Variety)

After divorcing ex-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver went back to work as a journalist. Her latest article: an interview with Wallis Annenberg for Los Angeles magazine. (People

It’s been two years since pop idol Michael Jackson died, but his estate’s been making money through the entire time due to things like belated album sales and the release of the documentary film This Is It. The money’s been used to pay off Jackson’s debts, and is now finally making its way to Jackson’s mother and children. The sum so far: a cool $30 million. (The Huffington Post)

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