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The Bart and Bombi Show: Are The Dallas Cowboys Done Edition

Ryan Nunez |
September 23, 2011 | 7:50 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Come December, these two could be the only stars around in Dallas. (Creative Commons)
Come December, these two could be the only stars around in Dallas. (Creative Commons)
With all due respect to USC's 3-0 start, it's all about the NFL these days.

Joe and Bombi have started off well in their fantasy leagues, but things are a bit different in reality.

Bombi is a Raider fan, so there's that...but Joe is already considering jumping off the Dallas Cowboys bandwagon!!

Since he has San Diego in his back pocket to cheer for, Joe sees nothing but misery ahead for his team. 

Tony Romo is hurt, Felix Jones is hurt, Miles Austin is hurt, Jason Witten is hurt.

Who will step up? Joe might not wait around to find out.

Still it makes Joseph feel better that he's been doing an amazing job of picking NFL winners.

Bombi's picks were impressive last week, but Joe went 14-2 (seriously) and is now feeling confident that he is a guru of some kind.

The guys start off calling their Week 3 winners and losers and then turn the show's focus to the fantasy realm.

Joe had equally good calls in his fantasy forecast last week, and now he's got a new weekly rundown to keep you relevant in your fantasy leagues.

If that's not enough, Bombi confronts Joe about cheering for two teams!

Do not miss this show!

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The Bart And Bombi Podcast:



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