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Politics Today: Mitt Romney Courts Tea Party, Christine O'Donnell Bounced For Sarah Palin, And More

Tracy Bloom |
August 31, 2011 | 1:22 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

President Obama will visit Patterson, New Jersey on Sunday to damage caused by Hurricane Irene, CNN is reporting. The White House announced Obama's trip on Wednesday.

Looking to increase his poll numbers and broaden his political support, Mitt Romney is seeking the support of the Tea Party. The Boston Globe reports the former Massachusetts Gov. will attend a Tea Party Express event in New Hampshire over the Labor Day weekend. In another sign he's reaching out to the Tea Party, Romney will also attend the presidential candidate forum in South Carolina hosted by Sen. Jim DeMint, according to The Washington Post.

Talking Points Memo has more on Romney's new strategy:

It's a strategy that's easy to mock, considering the tea party-friendly Rick Perry's poll numbers -- and Romney's penchant to say the right (read: well-received) thing -- but it shows that Team Romney is actively stepping up to the Perry challenge, which could have a dramatic effect on Perry's march to the top of the field.

But for now, the sheer political expediency of Romney's upcoming tea party tour has political observers snickering and Democrats pointing and laughing. But Team Romney says there's nothing to see here.

Recent polls have shown Romney coming in second to Perry.

Former Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell has been bounced again from an Iowa Tea Party rally happening this weekend to make space for Sarah Palin, NBC News reports.

This is the second time O'Donnell was cancelled. More from First Read: "This comes after failed Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell was in, then out, then back in, and now indefinitely out. And Palin was in, then 'on hold.'"

Palin has still yet to confirm her appearance at the event.

Rep. Allen West (R-FL) said at a town hall meeting Tuesday that GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann committed an "incredible faux pas" when she recently said she would consider "responsibly" drilling for oil and natural gas in the Florida everglades, the Palm Beach Post is reporting.

"When I see her next week, I’ll straighten her out about that," West told the town hall audience.



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