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Kings Of Leon Cancel Remainder Of American Tour

Daniel Carr- Crawford |
August 1, 2011 | 4:32 p.m. PDT

Staff Writer

In a move that drew much surprise and disappointment from their fans, Kings of Leon has decided to cancel the rest of the shows in their current American tour.


This announcement comes after the band stopped playing a show halfway in Dallas over the weekend. Citing exhaustion as his main problem, lead singer Caleb Followill left stage midway through the show, much to the dismay of the rest of the band and audience members. The remaining band members on stage were left to cancel the show and apologize to those in attendance. 

Kings of Leon has agreed to refund all those who bought tickets for the American tour and plans to resume its tour in Canada in September. However, the exact nature of the band’s behavior remains a mystery, as member Jared Followill stated in a tweet that “…there are problems in our band bigger than not drinking enough Gatorade.”  

For more information, please visit Fox News

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