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Daily Hollywood - New Kelly Clarkson And More

Lilian Min |
August 31, 2011 | 1:05 a.m. PDT

Associate Entertainment Editor

Kelly Clarkson’s new album “Stronger” will be dropping in late October, but the first single off it dropped yesterday. Hear “Mr. Know It All” here.

Matthew Fox, of Lost fame, was reportedly punched in the face after assaulting a bus driver. Whoever goes around telling celebrities that they won’t face any consequences for doing dumb illegal things: STOP. (People)

CBS drama The Good Wife is kicking off its third season in the fall, and is adding a rather prestigious cast member: Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign manager, Donna Brazile. (The Cut)

After the approval of New York state’s gay marriage bill, rumors flew that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were (for real!) going to get married. And lo and behold, that wasn’t the case. Jolie talked to Vanity Fair recently, and while much of the interview was on Jolie’s directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey, Jolie touched upon said rumors concerning marriage and new children, saying no to both. (USA Today

The “Dancing With the Stars” cast members only dropped yesterday, but already speculation as to the star/dancer pairings have begun, fueled by a mysteriously deleted Wikipedia entry that had these pairings posted. See the guesses here.

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