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Bus Drama On President's Midwest Tour

Frances Vega |
August 17, 2011 | 2:48 p.m. PDT

Executive producer

President Barack Obama planned to wrap up his three-day bus tour Wednesday with talks on cutting the deficit and job creation, but his ideas were quickly

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overshadowed by controversy over his tour bus.

The three-day tour through Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois gave the president a chance to present some of his ideas for reviving the economy and to hear from Americans who have struggled through rough times.

The president didn't provide specifics of his new plans, but said they would cut the deficit by more than $1.5 trillion over a decade. The L.A. Times reported that Obama also said he will deliver a major jobs plan to Congress next month.

Unfortunately, Republicans were not impressed by Obama’s talk of a coming jobs proposal.  They began attacking the president for using taxpayer money to fund his Midwest bus tour.

CBS News reported that:

On a morning conference call, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady accused Obama of focusing on his reelection at a time when the economy is in threat of veering into a double dip recession.

"He should spend more time in the White House doing his job rather than riding around on his Canadian bus," said Priebus. The New York Post has reported that the president's new armored bus was made in Canada.

President Obama's two luxury tour buses were made in Ontario. Each bus cost $1.1 million and was made by Prevost, a company that produces high-end tour buses for rock stars.

Reach executive producer Frances Vega here.

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