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The Bart And Bombi Show: Time To Say NO To World Peace And Trade Kobe? Edition

Ryan Nunez |
July 3, 2011 | 2:17 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Kobe Bryant didn't play above the rim much last year, but is 2011 his last as a Laker? (Creative Commons)
Kobe Bryant didn't play above the rim much last year, but is 2011 his last as a Laker? (Creative Commons)
Joe and Bombi love capitalizing on opportunities and being first on a story.

The 2011 NBA Draft could be the last legitimate opportunity to talk NBA until sometime in 2012 and Joe and Bombi are taking full advantage.

And while the entire mainstream sports media is taking the middle of the road, saying the Cleveland Cavs did well in the draft, the guys aren't shy about their opinion:

The Cleveland Cavaliers MESSED UP BIGTIME!

The Cavs screwed up by missing a golden opportunity to get both Kyrie Irving and Derrick Williams.

That's right, Joe and Bombi are claiming dibs on being the first analysts to let the world know that if Cleveland went Derrick Williams #1, it would've been more than likely that Kyrie Irving would've still been there at #4.

The boys dissect the entire first round and shut down the show by breaking down the Lakeshow, looking at both their lack of movement on draft night and who might be getting traded away from Los Angeles in the coming season (hint: if there's a lost year due to lockout, Kobe will NOT be off limits).


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Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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