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Microsoft And Facebook In Support Of AT&T-Mobile Merger

Eric Watkins |
June 13, 2011 | 1:40 p.m. PDT

Staff Writer

The AT&T and T-mobile merger may not have gained much support from consumers or rivaling Sprint, but giants in the industry including Facebook and Microsoft beg to differ. 


In May, Neon Tommy reported five potential problems consumers could face due to the AT&T-Mobile merger. However, as Engadget reported last week, a select group of the tech industry’s biggest companies, including Facebook and Microsoft, have written to the FCC in support of the merger. 

The letter argues AT&T's acquisition of T-Mobile would help tech companies keep pace with the exponential increase in wireless broadband that consumers are looking for. 

Proponents of the merger addressed in their letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski: 

Despite the network challenges presented by the surging consumer demand, the United States must continue to lead inn wireless broadband technologies. U.S. companies are at the forefront of driving innovations in devices, applications and services and an ever evolving network is essential to realizing new and innovative offerings. 

Other tech companies who signed the article, such as RIM, Brocade, Oracle, Qualcomm and RIM, see the merger as an opportunity to sell their mobile products to a wide-reaching consumer base uniting consumers from both AT&T and T-Mobile. 

However, as we reported, the merger would constrict competition to AT&T and Verizon essentially nullifying Sprint from the telecommunications marketplace. 

Reach writer Eric Watkins here

Follow him on Twitter @ericswatkins. 



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