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Joplin Tornado Death Toll Continues To Rise

Mike Vulpo |
May 28, 2011 | 10:43 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Officials continue to search for the missing in Joplin (courtesy of the Detroit News)
Officials continue to search for the missing in Joplin (courtesy of the Detroit News)
Six days after the deadliest single twister in the United States since 1947 touched down in Joplin, seven more people were found dead bringing the number of fatalities to 139. Only 48 of the dead have been positively identified according to Reuters. In addition, more than 100 people remain missing and unaccounted for.

According to the New York Daily News, about 600 volunteers and 50 dog teams will continue to look for bodies this Memorial Day Weekend. The decision to end the search and begin bulldozing is far off according to officials.

President Barack Obama, who has been traveling in Europe, plans to visit the city of 50,000 people for the first time Sunday.

The devastating tornado struck Sunday, leaving a six-mile area filled with debris and damage. Only seven other recorded tornadoes in the United States have had more deaths.

Reach Mike Vulpo here



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