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L.A. Today: Pensions, Fraud, And More

Andrew Khouri |
April 26, 2011 | 12:36 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter



Will Los Angeles create yet another watchdog position? Well maybe not. L.A. city council members questioned a plan to create a “collections sheriff” Monday, the Daily News says. The city has been criticized in numerous city controller audits for its failure to collect on what it is owed. But city leaders wondered if such an individual would be effective.

Los Angeles and Glendale have sued a low-income housing developer, alleging the firm inflated construction costs to fleece the cities out of millions, the Los Angeles Times reports.


A maritime security training center opened Monday at the Port of Los Angeles, the Daily Breeze reports. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Sheriff Lee Baca, and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck were on hand to celebrate the opening of the $16.1 million training facility.

Six state employee contracts took a step toward final approval Monday, passing a senate committee Monday, KPCC says. The contracts would require workers to pay more toward their retirement plans and curtail benefits for new workers. A new L.A. Times/USC poll found majorities support cutting back pension benefits for current and future state employees.

Reach reporter Andrew Khouri here.





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