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L.A. Today: Dodgers, Obama, And More

Andrew Khouri |
April 20, 2011 | 11:37 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


MLB Commissioner Bud Selig finally had enough of Frank McCourt. On Wednesday, Selig directed league officials to take financial control of the Dodgers, the L.A. Times reported. But that's only the beginning. McCourt doesn't seem to want to back down, the Times explains, arguing the Dodgers have met all financial requirements set by the league. Also, Jamie McCourt is still interested in buying the team.  

In normal circumstances the takeover would be tragic for Los Angeles and the Dodgers, but given McCourt’s personal finances, Wednesday might actually have been a good day for the boys in blue and their faithful. In fact, the Daily News found some fans that couldn’t be happier.


  • The 2013 mayoral race is heating up. Former mayor Richard Riordan has endorsed Austin Beutner, who stepped down as Villaraigosa’s job czar last week, the L.A. Times reports. So far the potential field is looking quite crowded, the article points out. City Councilwoman Jan Perry, Controller Wendy Greuel, developer Rick Caruso, Council President Eric Garcetti, County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, and state Sen. Alex Padilla are all considering a run.
  • Apparently, Bud Selig isn't the only one taking control of Los Angeles. President Barack Obama is expected to cause a good amount of traffic today during his Westside fundraising romp. If you can, stay far away.


Reach reporter Andrew Khouri here.





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