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Is Joel Edgerton the Next "Bourne" Star?

Elizabeth Johnson |
April 21, 2011 | 3:08 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Edgerton (via IMDB)
Edgerton (via IMDB)
Australian actor Joel Edgerton may be the next star of the Bourne series, originating the role of an agent named Martin in The Bourne Legacy, Vulture reported Thursday. 

But Universal is concerned that Edgerton, whose next project is a remake/prequel of John Carpenter’s The Thing, lacks the worldwide celebrity to draw audiences to the next Bourne film. James McAvoy and Shia LaBeouf are also being considered for the super-spy role.

Either way, Edgerton is not likely to be without work. After failed negotiations with both Viggo Mortenson and Hugh Jackman, it is rumored that the studio is also considering Edgerton for the role of the Huntsman in Snow White and the Huntsman, which will star Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron. 

Universal hopes to begin filming the Bourne project in July and is planning an August start-date for the Snow White adaptation.


Reach Elizabeth Johnson here.



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