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Head Start Spared Among $38 Billion In Cuts

Paresh Dave |
April 12, 2011 | 9:50 a.m. PDT

Deputy Editor

A young girl protested in L.A. last week possible cuts to Head Start. (Paresh Dave / Neon Tommy)
A young girl protested in L.A. last week possible cuts to Head Start. (Paresh Dave / Neon Tommy)

President Barack Obama saved pre-school program Head Start, Pell Grants for low-income college students and his signature Race to the Top initiative for K-12 schools from $38 billion in budget cuts in the spending resolution for the rest of the year.

The budget deal, which is expected to be signed into law Thursday night, uses accounting gimmicks to make up many of the savings. Another $12 billion had already been tagged for deletion by Obama.

While the Obama administration will have less money to enforce environmental regulations through Sept. 30, the overall package represents a victory for Obama since Republicans had sought to make much more dramatic cuts. Several House Republicans said they would not vote for the budget deal because it didn't go far enough.

Other programs spared from cuts: NPR, AmeriCorps, National Endowment for the Arts, Community Development Block Grants, net neutrality enforcement, health care reform, Planned Parenthood and food safety inspections.

Every federal department lost some money except the Defense Department and the Veterans Affairs Department.

A full list of cuts can be found here.



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