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Daily Hollywood – Lindsay Lohan’s Casting, Demi Lovato’s Revelation, And More

Lilian Min |
April 21, 2011 | 12:24 a.m. PDT

Associate Entertainment Editor

Lindsay Lohan is confirmed in the role of Victoria Gotti for John Travolta’s John Gotti film, Gotti: Three Generations (from PopEater).

Demi Lovato reveals that she too has bi-polar disorder, which she discovered and began to treat while in therapy for other disorders (from People).

Chris Colfer (Glee) is not only an actor, but a showrunner too. Colfer is writing Florence Laughlin’s children’s novel The Little Leftover Witch into a Disney Channel pilot (from The Hollywood Reporter).

Weird Al Yankovic put up his “Born This Way” parody, “Perform This Way,” online after being told by Lady Gaga’s camp that he couldn’t formally release the song on his upcoming way. Later on though, Gaga and co. reversed their decisions (from EW).

After making his disease public a month ago, Gerard Smith died of lung cancer yesterday at the age of 34 (from TMZ).


Reach Lilian Min here; follow her on Twitter here.



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