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Stephen Colbert Follows in Footsteps of Palin, Pawlenty, Starts "ColbertPac"

Tracy Bloom |
March 31, 2011 | 4:43 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Is Stephen Colbert jumping from the comedy world to the political world? The host of the Comedy Central program "The Colbert Report," fueled speculation following the announcement of the launch of his own political action committee, ColbertPac, on Wednesday's night show.

In typical Colbert fashion, the introductory video mocked the style of the one former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty used when he announced the formation of his presidential exploratory committee. "Tim Pawlenty may not be running for president of the United States," Colbert said of the video, "but he is clearly running for president of the next Transformers movie."

Of his own video, Colbert said: “I want to warn you in advance, if you’re epileptic, there are going to be a lot of quick cuts and flashing lights. and if you’re not epileptic, you will be after this."

The video features random images interspersed with even more random snippets of film clips, such as Star Wars, Jaws and ET.

The one-page site, however, is fairly vague, with a graphic that The Washington Post noted, noted looked "eerily similar to Pawlenty’s Freedom First PAC logo." A slogan on the graphic simply states,  "Making a better tomorrow, tomorrow." Underneath, you have the option to click on a "Join Us" button, which gives you the option to enter your e-mail. For what purposes the e-mail--of the PAC for that matter--will be used for is entirely unclear at this point.

Most of the candidates (or, as Stewart called them, cantdidates, because they have not many any formal decisions) who have been rumored to run for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012 already have their own political action committees, including Sarah Palin (SarahPAC), Newt Gingrich (American Solutions), Tim Pawlenty (Freedom First), Michele Bachmann (MichelePAC) and Mike Huckabee (HuckPAC).

Politiical action committees can help raise money to elect candidates or to further political causes and issues or legislation.

This isn't Colbert's first foray into politics. The satirist (in the guise of his television character), announced he was running for president in October 2007, creating the ""Hail To The Cheese Stephen Colbert's Nacho Cheese Doritos 2008 Presidential Campaign." He dropped his presidential bid in November 2007, however, after an unsuccessful attempt to get onto the Republican and Democratic presidential ballots in his home state of South Carolina.



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