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Rihanna Opens Up To Rolling Stone About Abuse

Jessica Zech |
March 30, 2011 | 1:11 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Rihanna (Creative Commons)
Rihanna (Creative Commons)
Although her ex, Chris Brown, has shown he does not want to talk about his assault after raging at Good Morning America, Rihanna opened up to Rolling Stone about their rocky relationship. 

"I put my guard up so hard ... I didn't want people to see me cry. I didn't want people to feel bad for me. It was a very vulnerable time in my life, and I refused to let that be the image,” Rihanna told the magazine, which hits newsstands Friday, about her emotionally after the Grammy night abuse.

Rihanna recently lessened her restraining order against Brown that prohibited him from being within 50 feet of her, according to MTV. Now Brown can perform at award shows, which the original order prevented. 

"I just didn't want to make it more difficult for him professionally. What he did was a personal thing — it had nothing to do with his career,” said Rihanna, who’s new single “S&M” reveals her kinky side.

Although Rihanna has let up on Brown legally, she does not see them talking again any time soon.

"We don't have to talk ever again in my life," said Rihanna about Brown, who she did attempt to rekindle a relationship with after the attack. 

She has not heard from Brown in a long time and has been linked to many men since the incident two years ago. Rihanna has not dated anyone since splitting with Dodgers player Matt Kemp four months ago, she told the magazine.

Reach Jessica Zech here.      



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