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L.A. Today: Unions, Transit, And Radiation

Andrew Khouri |
March 25, 2011 | 8:39 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


A labor agreement between L.A.’s biggest union and the city has been reached to save the millions, the Los Angeles Times reports.  Employees will contribute more to their pensions and healthcare benefits, however union members must first ratify the agreement. 

At yesterday’s jam packed Metro meeting, the board ok’ed a 4 percent cut in bus service and approved two contracts to conduct environmental studies for the downtown street car and a transit connector to LAX. Is your bus on the chopping block? The Source has a list of the effected buses routes.

If a nuclear  disaster struck California, it would be nice if we could accurately detect radiation, right? Well, the L.A. Times reports half of the EPA's warning systems aren’t working properly, which may result in delays in alerting the public during an emergency.

KPCC has a nice look into the late Warren Christopher's role in L.A.'s civic life.

And finally if you didn’t hear yesterday, the “superbug” has arrived in Los Angeles area medical facilities, the Daily News says.  Hailing from the East Coast, the bacteria is resistant to antibiotics.  

Reach reporter Andrew Khouri here.





Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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