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How To Run For The LA City Council On $4,000

Hillel Aron |
March 4, 2011 | 1:21 p.m. PST

USC Annenberg News21

Rich Goodman
Rich Goodman
This story is part of an ongoing special series produced by USC Annenberg News21 in partnership with KCET's SoCal Connected. Ten new media reporters explore the intersection of Big Money and Politics from L.A. City Hall to Sacramento to Washington D.C. -- + --

In a small two-bedroom apartment in Van Nuys with brown shag carpeting and a cottage cheese ceiling, a French kid named Alexis sits at a desk with headphones, staring at his MacBook through black-frame glasses. As Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik plays from a boom box, Alexis' computer dials phone numbers until someone picks up. He speaks with a noticeable but not thick French accent, reading from a script:

"Hello, Maria? My name is Alex, I'm a volunteer calling about the important city council election on March 8th. Have you already voted?"

A pause, and some back-and-forth about mail-in-ballots.

"I would like to know who you are going to vote for for city council. Oh. Well, I'm supporting Rich Goodman. He's a good man for city council. He just received the L.A. Times endorsement two days ago. He's a Democrat with strong ethics and moral integrity, believes that our taxes should go to our neighborhoods and to improve our streets and sidewalks."

This scene, in this little apartment, this is how you run for Los Angeles City Council on less than $4,000. You get friends (including your dad) and perhaps a few random strangers to volunteer, making phone calls and knocking on doors.

Read the rest here on the Under The Influence site from USC News21 and SoCal Connected.



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