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A Happy Crowd And Candidate At LaBonge's Election Night Party

Amy Silverstein |
March 9, 2011 | 2:36 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

By around 10:00 p.m. Tuesday at Tom LaBonge's election night party, most of the attention was divided between LaBonge, who was posing for pictures, doing interviews, and giving out hugs, and Gary, a guy who spent the party checking the CD4 tally on his laptop.

"You know how they say in a night club, 'Gary's on the 88s?' Well Gary's on the computer," LaBonge announced to partygoers.

"What's the number, Gary?" 

"Uh, 62 %, but half more to go..."

"Sixty-two percent!" yelled LaBonge, along with some crowd members. Then the thank-you speeches began.  

Members of the enthusiastic crowd included campaign volunteer Lili Dauphin, who said she met LaBonge while hiking.  "He's just such a good guy," she said.

At 3:00 AM Wednesday morning, the City Clerk website had unofficial election results online saying that LaBonge had 55% of the vote, with 100 % of CD4 precincts reporting.

Reach Amy Silverstein here. 



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