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Fidencio Gallardo: ‘I Am Not Tied To Any Special Interests.’

Laurel Galanter |
March 4, 2011 | 12:09 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter


Fidencio Gallardo, a 43-year-old English teacher and long-time resident of Bell, believes his experience working in local schools sets him apart from the other candidates running for the city council.

Gallardo, a graduate of Bell High School, received his bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Southern California and his master’s in educational administration from California State University Los Angeles. He teaches at South Gate High School and is a part-time faculty member at Cal State L.A. Gallardo says that he had always wanted to be a teacher.

“I believe my desire is rooted in the great elementary school teachers that I had as a child,” Gallardo said, “It’s my love of literature and writing that inspired me to become an English teacher.”

One thing Gallardo plans on doing is helping create a more accountable and transparent government so that residents won’t have to endure another scandal like the one from last summer.

“While the city administration and council were busy scheming,” Gallardo said, “the majority of city residents were busy with their daily lives; those of us residents who sensed inappropriate things were going on, only had tiny pieces of the puzzle. It isn’t until the scandal broke that residents really started talking to each other and a more complete picture of the countless abuses was created.” 

If elected, Gallardo has a few things on his agenda, such as fixing the city’s financial situation. He wants to help balance the city’s budget and resolve its debt. He wants to revitalize the economy by encouraging the support of local businesses and creating new businesses in Bell in order to generate more revenue. Along with that, he has more plans to help turn Bell’s government around.

“We need to guarantee on-going community involvement, maintain a safe and clean environment, establish and keep regular opportunities for residents to interact with the city council such as set council meeting dates and times, make an updated website a priority, and keep the Bell Police Department,” Gallardo said.   

With these ideas in mind, Gallardo believes that he is fully capable of bringing about change for the better.

“Teaching in local schools for over 20 years has given me first-hand experience with the issues that impact our community.” Gallardo said, “City of Bell residents can count on me to serve them because I am honest and fair and I am not tied to any special interests. I want what’s best for all city residents.”


Reach reporter Laurel Galanter here.



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