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Daily Hollywood – Rihanna Poses, Snooki Throws Down, And More

Lilian Min |
March 16, 2011 | 12:12 a.m. PDT

Associate Entertainment Editor

Rihanna covers US Vogue and opens up in an interview inside (read more at PopEater).

Actor Seann William Scott (American Pie, Cop Out) goes into rehab; no word on what for (read more at People).

The Maersk Alabama hostage story from last year gets the Hollywood treatment, with none other than Tom Hanks signed on (read more at The Hollywood Reporter).

Snooki hits the mat for WWE Raw (watch video at Vulture).

Vanessa Hudgens is looking into legal action against whoever leaked her latest round of nude pics (read more at TMZ).


Reach Lilian Min here; follow her on Twitter here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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