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Verizon iPhone Pre-Order Website Crashes For Many Frustrated Users

Paresh Dave |
February 3, 2011 | 12:52 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Much to the delight of many iPhone enthusiasts, the iPhone will have a new home in Verizon. (Image courtesy of Verizon)
Much to the delight of many iPhone enthusiasts, the iPhone will have a new home in Verizon. (Image courtesy of Verizon)

Verizon Wireless customers are having their four-year wait for an Apple iPhone dragged out longer because of overloads of Verizon's website servers.

Hundreds of customers expressing joy about getting confirmations that their new smart phones would soon be in the e-mail are being drowned out by many more on Twitter deriding Verizon for not expecting the massive influx of users to its online purchasing system. Some are saying they had quicker success ordering through Apple's website.

Existing Verizon customers could begin pre-ordering the phones at 3:00 a.m. EST Thursday. The iPhones become available to all next Thursday.

For those considering the iPhone from Verizon, here's four things you really should ask yourself. You should also check out a recent report from a Chinese research institute that concluded iPhones come at the expense of the human rights of Chinese workers.

"30 minutes worth of error screens from Verizon = a bad night. just want to order my phone & go to bed," one person said in a tweet early Thursday.

Verizon employees have been told to delay their own iPhone purchases, even if for family friends, according to memo sent to employees obtained by CNET.

Here's video of one Verizon customer being driven nuts.

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