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Top 10 Celebratory Tweets About Egypt

Jessika Walsten |
February 11, 2011 | 2:47 p.m. PST

Deputy Editor
(Photo by Al Jazeera English)
(Photo by Al Jazeera English)
Minutes after Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman announced the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak Twitter buzzed with congratulatory tweets for Egypt.
Even more than six hours after the initial announcement "Congrats Egypt" continues to trend on Twitter with multiple tweets a minute.
So, here is a sampling of 10 of the best.
  1. @MitalJoshiGoel - Uninstalling dictator ... 100% complete ██████████████████████████████ #Egypt #Mubarakgone 
  2. @BarackObama - Today belongs to the people of Egypt, who have made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day. 
  3. JoeUnfiltered - The people of #Egypt have shown the world that youth activism can change ANYTHING. 18 days has ended 30 years of oppression. Congrats! 
  4. @Sarrah112   - They used their voices rather than their weapons, and with it they gained freedom. Congrats Egypt 
  5. @DaftLimmy  - Congrats to new Egypt president Mark Zuckerberg and his vice president the Twitter Whale. 
  6. @BorowitzReport  - As trending topics go, "Congrats Egypt" seems like kind of an understatement. They didn't win a softball game, guys. 
  7. @itsmadeleineH -  Today the people of Egypt have shown us all to never give up and keep trying and soon you'll reach your goals. Congrats Egypt :) 
  8. @paulocoelho - The world only gets better because people risk something to make it better. Congrats Egypt 
  9. @YukoAndHerCats -  To all that suffered, sacrificed, fought, and kept the faith in #Egypt, all my congrats and admiration. There is still hope in this world.
  10. @AlanFisher - The phrase historic is perhaps overused - but this is truly a moment in world history. And I'm glad i shared it with so many of you #Egypt

Please share your favorite congratulatory tweets in the comments section below.




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