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L.A. Today: Mahony, Oscars, And More

Andrew Khouri |
February 28, 2011 | 1:29 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Angelenos can finally look forward to driving around Hollywood unimpeded as the Oscars packs up and leaves. “The King’s Speech” was Sunday’s big winner, taking top honors for Best Picture, Actor in a Leading Role, Best Director, and Original Screenplay. 


  • The Los Angeles Times--in an 18-month investigation--found massive waste in the $5.7 billion construction program to refurbish Los Angeles’ dilapidated community colleges. 
  • Via the Daily News: Scandal plagued Cardinal Roger Mahony officially relinquished his pastoral staff Sunday, handing control of the nation’s largest Catholic Archdiocese to newly minted Archbishop Jose Gomez. Before Mahony retired, Steve Lopez tried one last time to get an interview with the now former Archbishop--to no avail.
  • On a sad note, Dodger legend Duke Snider passed away Sunday. Bob Keisser of the Long Beach Press Telegram has a nice column on Snider’s L.A. roots and brilliant career. 
  • And yes, it did snow in the Los Angeles area this weekend. LAist has the pictures to prove it. However, I would refrain from showing the proof to relatives in colder climates, they’ll laugh at the scant evidence. 
Reach reporter Andrew Khouri here.





Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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