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GOP Govs. Walker, Daniels and Christie Reportedly Booked For Sunday Shows

Staff Reporters |
February 24, 2011 | 3:06 p.m. PST

Protests in Wisconsin (Photos courtesy of Amber Appelbaum)
Protests in Wisconsin (Photos courtesy of Amber Appelbaum)
Three Republican governors have been booked on Sunday morning political talk shows, but so far no union officials have reportedly been scheduled to appear.

The Huffington Post reported:

Though thousands of Americans have turned out this week to show solidarity with Wisconsin's public employees and oppose a threat to their collective bargaining rights, union officials say they have not been able to place a labor voice on this Sunday's editions of the weekly public-affairs TV shows. The shows' producers, they complain, are shutting out the workers' perspective.

A union official told The Huffington Post that when none of the Sunday shows' producers reached out to them to book a labor representative this week, several unions started to pitch the shows with affected workers and local and national leaders who they felt could discuss the protests. The official said the response from the shows was essentially "thanks, but no thanks."

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who proposed the anti-union bill that would limit the collective-bargaining rights of public employees, has preliminarily been scheduled to appear on NBC's "Meet the Press"; Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who is also staunchly anti-union despite publicly withdrawing support from a bill similar to the one that inspired the union protests in Wisconsin, reportedly has been booked by "Fox News Sunday"; And anti-union Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey is slated to appear on CBS's "Face the Nation."

The potential Sunday line-up has some union leaders concerned that they will be shut out from the political talk shows. The Washington Post reported: "labor officials are beginning to fear that none of them will be invited on this weekend to give voice to the labor point of view."

Still, with Sunday still three days away, it is possible that labor leaders could still be added to the schedule. Greg Sargent of the Post reports: "Officials at NBC and ABC both told me their lineups were not yet complete, and wouldn't say any labor officials had been booked, though that could conceivably change."



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