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Egyptians In Anaheim Get Musical About Mubarak's Exit

Bethany Firnhaber |
February 11, 2011 | 5:36 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Orange County residents of Egyptian heritage joined Friday evening in worldwide celebrations of Hosni Mubarak's resignation as a president of Egypt.

So many things remain unclear in Egypt, but the joy of seeing someone that has grown into public enemy number one over the past 18 days easily overcame that concern.

The celebration took place on Brookhurst Street in the Little Arabia neighborhood of Anaheim.

One of those rejoicing was Tala Othman, 11, with Palestinian flag that reads "Palestine next..." Her father owns shops in Brookhurst Plaza in Little Arabia, Anaheim.

Sisters Reem (14), Nadine (26), and Miriam Motaweh (23) and their friend Basma Radwan (16) produced an Egyptian take on an American song--"I'm Proud to Be An Egyptian." Check it out below.

"We're really proud and really happy," said Miriam.Basma said her family in Egypt are ready to go back to work, back to grocery shopping, back to their lives.

Reach reporter Bethany Firnhaber here.



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