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Daily Hollywood – Bieber Cuts His Hair, Banksy Gets Denied, And More

Lilian Min |
February 22, 2011 | 12:03 a.m. PST

Associate Entertainment Editor

With the Oscars being held this Sunday in Hollywood, what kind of road closures can the rest of us expect? (see restrictions at The Hollywood Reporter)

In absolutely earth-shattering news, Justin Bieber cut his hair (see pics at TMZ).

The NBA All-Star game was yesterday, but how were the musical performances? (read Vulture’s recap here).

In celebrity couples news, Mr. Schu gets cozy with Olivia Munn (see pics at Popeater).

UK graffiti artist Banksy isn’t going to be showing up at the Oscars, even though his documentary’s nominated (read more at Metro).


Reach Lilian Min here; follow her on Twitter here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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