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Jerry Brown: Why Moonbeam Is Now Mainstream

Sherry Bebitch Jeffe |
January 31, 2011 | 10:27 p.m. PST

Sr. Fellow, USC School Of Policy, Planning And Devlopment

Sherry Bebitch Jeffe
Sherry Bebitch Jeffe
A lot has changed since California’s “Gov. Moonbeam,” first took office in 1975 — at half his current age of 72. Especially Brown himself. (The “Moonbeam” label has haunted Brown since his first go round — when his “flakey” high-tech ideas and “quirky” approach to politics earned him that sobriquet.)

Many of Brown’s wild-eyed ideas then are mainstream now — like car pool lanes for California’s clogged freeways, green energy and environmental proposals before “green” was cool and his call for launching a state space satellite. Brown’s once-eccentric philosophy of governance — “Small is beautiful” — reverberates loudly today as voters reject Big Government.

Read the entire piece as it appears on Politico.



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