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Safeway At Arizona Rampage Site Reopens, Holds Moment Of Silence

Jessika Walsten |
January 15, 2011 | 9:46 a.m. PST

Deputy Editor

(Photo by erostrend via Flickr)
(Photo by erostrend via Flickr)
After being closed for a week, the Arizona Safeway where Jared Lee Loughner is accused of opening fire, killing six and injuring 14, reopened Saturday.

"I have an eerie feeling right now," said Jeanette Holden, a shopper at the Safeway for seven years who was in the parking lot when the store opened its doors. "It's just so sad."

A Giffords U.S. Congress sign attached to a guard rail painted red, white and blue helps mark a makeshift memorial for the victims of the rampage that gravely injured congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az.) and left a 9-year-old girl and federal judge dead.

The store held a moment of silence at 10:11 a.m. MT, the time Loughner allegedly began shooting the week before.

Friday night the store held an employee-only vigil for the victims.

USA Today reports:

As night fell, they emerged from the grocery store, red and white carnations in hand.

They held hands or wrapped their arms around one another, their heads low. The group stopped and gathered under the spot where a banner that read "Gabrielle Giffords United States Congress" had been hung six long days ago.

As they stood at the site, a rush of emotions swept over them, some employees said.

"I am so angry," said Laura Parker, a courtesy clerk at the store. Parker was on break at Beyond Bread, about 75 yards from the Safeway storefront, at the time of the shooting.

Most of the other stores in the 109,000-square-foot Tucson shopping center had reopened by Thursday. But business remained slow.

"People are scared to come in," said Sean Scott, an employee at the Jenny Craig store in the center. "It's slowed down business a lot."

Ben Lau, whose restaurant China Phoenix was used as a law enforcement base, was able to reopen on Monday. His normally booming takeout sales are still recovering.






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