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Brutal Drug Lord Dead, Colombian President Says

Neon Tommy |
December 29, 2010 | 8:57 p.m. PST

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos announced the death of brutal drug lord Pedro Guerrero Wednesday. (Photo by Robert Ward courtesy of the U.S. Department of Defense)
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos announced the death of brutal drug lord Pedro Guerrero Wednesday. (Photo by Robert Ward courtesy of the U.S. Department of Defense)
Police found the body of Pedro "the knife" Guerrero, a drug kingpin and right-wing paramilitary leader, after a Christmas day gun battle, said Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Wednesday.

The Junglas, a special anti-narcotics police force, raided Guerrero's camp near Mapiripan in Meta state. Two police officers and one of Guerrero's bodyguards were also killed during the shootout. Harold Humberto Rojas Pineros, Guerrero's second in command, was captured along with six others. Authorities also recovered two pistols and a knife that reportedly belonged to Guerrero.

Guerrero earned his nickname from his weapon of choice, which he used to terrorize those he suspected of supporting leftist rebels. He is responsible for the deaths of 3,000 people, including a 1997 massacre in Mapiripan that left 49 dead, said Santos at a news conference. 

The U.S. Treasury Department identified Guerrero in March as one of Colombia's most influential drug traffickers, whose control over much of eastern Colombia's coca crop gave him immense power. 

Colombian police have been trying to hunt down Guerrero for years, offering a $2.5 million reward to anyone with information leading to his capture. Santos said that reward will be paid to several informants.

Read more here.



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