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Video: T.O. Catches TD Pass, Crushes Unsuspecting Security Guard

Patrick Crawley |
November 9, 2010 | 1:12 a.m. PST

Senior Sports Editor

Terrell Owens was on fire Monday night, catching 10 passes for 141 yards and two touchdowns in Cincinnati's 27-21 loss to Pittsburgh.

Nobody could stop him. Not even the security guard manning the corner of the end zone (see video below).

That guy's going to sleep tonight with a headache. I can tell you that much.

Owens now has 770 receiving yards and seven touchdowns on the season. He ranks third in both categories among NFL wideouts. (Guess it wasn't such a bad idea for him to go to Cincinnati after all, eh?)

His first touchdown catch of the game was the 150th of his career, making him just the third wide receiver in NFL history to reach that mark. The other two are no-name guys you've probably never heard of: Randy Moss and Jerry Rice.

With the loss, the Bengals drop to 2-5 on the season, putting them dead last in the AFC North. They're going to have to fight like hell to make the playoffs, but I'm sure Owens doesn't mind as long as he continues to put up numbers like he has been. There's nothing like Hall of Fame padding to keep a man quiet.

Video below.

Assist, You Been Blinded.

To reach editor Patrick Crawley, click here. Follow him on Twitter, @BasketballFiend.



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