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Sestak, Toomey Tied In Race To Pennsylvania Senate

Taylor Freitas, Laura Cueva, Kaitlin Parker |
November 2, 2010 | 11:37 a.m. PDT

Pat Toomey (Creative Commons)
Pat Toomey (Creative Commons)

As closing time at the Pennsylvania polls creeps closer, Republican Pat Toomey is feeling confident about a win.  While reports of high Democratic voter turnout have circulated all day, the numbers may not be there for Sestak.  Toomey’s campaign is predicting he’ll win by 100,000 votes, and he hopes to make a 7 p.m. PDT victory speech.


Election officials in Reading, Pa., have had to remove signs urging Latinos not to vote.

Democratice volunteers began noticing and taking down the signs after the polls opened this morning.

Democrats in Philadelphia have claimed the voter turnout in the city has been high this year.  One Democratic Rep. said the turnout in Pennsylvania could exceed that on 2006.  An insider from the Republican Toomey campaign, see this as unlikely though, saying Democrats in Philadelphia are lucky to get a 35 percent turnout rate.

The latest poll showed Democrat Joe Sestak is in a statistical dead heat with Republican Pat Toomey in the race for the Pennsylvania Senate.

Democrat Joe Sestak and Republican Pat Toomey finished up campaigning in a statistical dead heat, just hours before Election Day kickoff.

Toomey led the polls through most of the race, but as Election Day approached, Sestak evened the numbers, and the candidates were tied with 46 percent each one week before the elections.

Both candidates offered quite different views, with Sestak being on the more liberal end of the Democratic spectrum and Toomey coming in on the more conservative side of the GOP.

Sestak, a U.S. Congressman and former Navy admiral, beat incumbent Arlen Specter in the Democratic primary in May, after Specter switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party in 2009 under pressure from Toomey, who threatened to defeat him in the GOP primary.



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