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Kamala Harris Takes California Attorney General's Race

Kevin Douglas Grant |
November 24, 2010 | 11:34 a.m. PST

Executive Editor

Just over three weeks after Election Day, Californians know who their attorney general will be for the next four years: Kamala Harris.  

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that LA County District Attorney Steve Cooley conceded Wednesday morning: "With only 150,000 votes remaining to be counted three weeks after Election Day, there aren't enough outstanding votes for Cooley to overtake Harris, Cooley spokesman Kevin Spillane said.  "'The reality is frankly the margin is too great,' Spillane said. "At this point there's no mathematical possibility of the course being reversed.'"

Cooley had initially declared victory in the race before realizing how close it actually was.  The tedious ballot counting process changed the lead several times, but the candidates remained civil.

As a Democrat, Harris completes a sweep for the party in California's statewide offices.  She is currently the district attorney of San Francisco.

Harris has scheduled a victory speech for 5:30 p.m. Nov. 30 at the Delancey Street Foundation in San Francisco.



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