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John Boozman Unseats Blanche Lincoln To Win Arkansas Senate Race

Taylor Freitas |
November 2, 2010 | 1:19 a.m. PDT

Associate News Editor

In a predictable win, Republican Congressman John Boozman unseated Democrat Blanche Lincoln, a two-term incumbent, to win the Senate race in Arkansas. 

Rep. John Boozman defeated Sen. Blanche Lincoln to win the Arkansas Senate seat Tuesday. (Creative Commons)
Rep. John Boozman defeated Sen. Blanche Lincoln to win the Arkansas Senate seat Tuesday. (Creative Commons)

Boozman's win came as no surprise. Two days before the election, a Rasmussen survey of likely voters in Arkansas gave him the advantage, and he led Lincoln 55 percent to 36 percent.

A month before, the results were nearly identical, and Boozman led Lincoln 55-37.

Lincoln, who staunchly supported President Obama's health care reform bill, could have alienated some of her constituents by doing so.

According to a Rasmussen Report released Sunday, 70 percent of Arkansas voters favor a repeal of the health care bill.

Despite receiving support from former President Clinton, Lincoln trailed in the polls through much of the race. But unlike other Democratic candidates this year, she received almost no money from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

During her term, Lincoln was the first woman to chair the Senate Agriculture Committee.

Boozman easily defeated seven other Republican candidates in the GOP primary in May, while Lincoln barely beat Lt. Gov. Bill Halter in the Democratic primary.

She traveled across Arkansas Monday, telling supporters she would win if voter turnout was high. Boozman also toured the state the day before elections, hoping to secure his win.

Both candidates visited churches Tuesday morning before casting their ballots. Boozman comfortably watched the election results come in Tuesday night from Little Rock.

Throughout Arkansas on Tuesday, there were light rain showers, but no major voting problems were reported.

Election officials expected 54 percent of Arkansas' 1.6 registered million voters to vote, the biggest number to turn out in a non-presidential election since 1994.

Reach associate news editor Taylor Freitas here. Follow her on Twitter: @taylorfreitas.

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