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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Foley Gives Up On Connecticut Governor's Seat

Neon Tommy |
November 8, 2010 | 1:44 p.m. PST

Democrat Dannel Malloy can now claim victory in Connecticut's race for governor after his Republican opponent, Thomas Foley, conceded Monday.

Foley announced that it was unlikely he could make up the 6,000 vote deficit even with voting issues in the state's largest city, Bridgeport.

On voting day, Nov. 2, Bridgeport officials said that they ran out of ballots after underestimating voter turnout. As a result, a judge stepped in to extend voting time to 10 p.m.

The next day Connecticut's secretary of state, Susan Bysiewicz, called Malloy the winner even though not all of the votes had been tallied yet. To complicate things further, Foley claimed he was the winner.

This back and forth went on over the weekend, prompting Foley to say he would have his team analyze the results to confirm his victory.

Read more about the Connecticut drama here.



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