Daily Hollywood - Angels, Octogenarians And Teen Moms

The Victoria’s Secret runway show, shot in New York on Nov. 10 is airing tonight for 11 million viewers. The fashion show marks the opportunity of a lifetime for many of the models such as Tyra Banks, Heidi Klum and Gisele Bundchen. (Source: The Daily Beast)
Comcast and Netflix are butting heads. Netflix partner Level 3 Communications is accusing Comcast of breaching network neutrality.
The accusations come after Comcast’s installation of a new fee that threatens the success of Internet video companies. Level 3 Communications is looking to get government intervention against what they see as Comcast’s threat to the open Internet.
Comcast is referring to the issue as a mere “commercial dispute.” Because Netflix represents 20 percent of Internet download traffic in the U.S. during peak times, it creates competition for Comcast and Time Warner Cable who are seeking to “protect both the subscription television business and the emerging video-on-demand business.” (Source: New York Times)
Bush talks up Obama on Facebook?! During an hour-long discussion on Facebook Live with Mark Zuckerbeg, the former President George W. Bush offered President Barack Obama some praise when asked about the current administration’s successes: “I think the idea of putting more troops in was something that I can applaud…I also appreciate some of the education position.” The live chat garnered 6,500 viewers at about the halfway mark and it featured Bush answering questions from Zuckerberg, the Facebook staff and viewers. (Source: Huffington Post)
Slate had just released their annual “80 Over 80” catalog featuring the “nation’s silver lions.” Mormon President Thomas S. Monson ranked first for the second year in a row on account of his stance as “the divine prophet, seer and revelator for 5.5 million Americans and more than 12 million people around the world.” Also among the top of the list was the Hawaiian senior senator Daniel Inouye who is “just three heartbeats away from the Oval Office” and the man in charge of about $400 million in annual earmark spending as the chairman of the appropriations committee. Some new members of the “80 Over 80” list include billionaires Warren Buffett and George Soros and Hollywood favorite Clint Eastwood. (Source: Slate)
Teen Mom ’s Amber Portwood is getting her daughter back. Child Protective Services took away Amber’s 2-year-old daughter Leah last week, but upon cleaning up her home Amber was able to reunite with Leah. According to a source, “Amber hired someone to clean up her apartment recently and even went out over the weekend to buy a proper baby bed for Leah.” Child Protective Services will be monitoring Amber’s progress multiple times a week to ensure that Leah is getting the care she deserves. Leah’s father, Gary Shirley, was disappointed in the decision to return the 2-year-old to Amber. (Source: Perez Hilton)