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Video: Pierre Garcon's Amazing One-Handed Spiderman Catch

Patrick Crawley |
October 18, 2010 | 12:41 a.m. PDT

Senior Sports Editor

Catches don't get much better than this one-handed Spiderman grab from Pierre Garcon in the second quarter of Sunday's Colts-Redskins game. The catch capped a four-reception, 103-yard half for Garcon and put the Colts in position for a 43-yard field goal.

The third-year receiver out of Mount Union didn't have a reception in the second half, but his contributions were enough to spur the Colts to a 27-24 road win.

If I had the words in French to describe this catch, I would say them here. But I don't. I was more of a Spanish guy in high school, so... "que increible!"

Video below.

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