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Supreme Court Favors Trojans In Trademark Of "SC"

Neon Tommy |
October 4, 2010 | 3:23 p.m. PDT

USC v. Minnesota
USC v. Minnesota
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the "SC" logo is the trademark of the University of Southern California, not the University of South Carolina. In 1997, the USC in South Carolina attempted to register an "SC" logo for use on its sports merchandise. Since that attempt, the East Coast school appealed to the Supreme Court.

An objection from the University of Southern California soon followed, and after presenting evidence to a Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the high court turned down USC in South Carolina's appeal, saying it would not hear the case.

The court concluded that some fans might be confused if the University of South Carolina used "SC" as its sports logo.

Today was the Supreme Court's first day back in session, marking Justice Elena Kagan's debut on the bench.

Read more on the appeal here.



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