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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Should Vernon, Calif. Be A City?

Neon Tommy |
October 26, 2010 | 10:38 p.m. PDT

Scandal has rocked the city of Vernon for years. (Creative Commons)
Scandal has rocked the city of Vernon for years. (Creative Commons)
New corruption charges in Vernon have reignited a plan by Los Angeles County prosecuters to dissolve the city's government.

Prosecuters formulated the plan, which was originally formulated in 2006, after repeatedly having to investigate city officials for their conduct and seeing little change. 

Vernon, a small industrial city south of L.A., has been fraught with scandal off and on for 80 years. Critics say the city of about 90 residents and 2,000 businesses is run by one family, and its residents either live in city-owned housing or work for the city.

The plan's renewed interest comes just weeks after details emerged of high salaries and lavish expenses for Vernon officials.

Read more about Vernon in the Los Angeles Times here.



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