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Republican Governor's Association Lends Support To Governors Across Country

Clare Bergman |
October 29, 2010 | 9:06 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Pennsylvania's Tom Corbett (Photo Creative Commons)
Pennsylvania's Tom Corbett (Photo Creative Commons)
The Republican Governor’s Association is adding $6.5 million to their efforts to ensure gubernatorial wins in Florida, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania. This brings the total sum of RGA donations to these four races to $35 million.

In what is predicted to be the final donation by the RGA this campaign season, $2 million will go to Pennsylvania, $1.8 million will go to Illinois, $1.75 will go to Florida, and $1 million will go to the race in Ohio.

Florida plans on using their money towards efforts to get people to vote, while Pennsylvania, Illinois and Ohio will be using their funds to finance additional flights of ads.


With the race for Ohio governor in a dead heat hitting the final days of campaigning, Republican challenger John Kasich and Democratic incumbent governor John Strickland are making a final push to sway voters.

Kasich enlisted the help of New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Mississippi governor Haley Barbour, and Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty who all attended a rally for the former congressman on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Strickland is attempting to keep his position as Governor and sway the most recent poll that puts Kasich leading 49 percent to 47 percent, well within the 3.3% margin of error.


In their final debate before Nov. 2, Illinois governor Pat Quinn and Republican challenger Bill Brady argued over everything from abortion to the state budget.

Their arguing got so incessant that moderator Carol Mann asked if it was possible to run campaigns that focused solely on the issues, and not on personal attacks. Her question was only met with additional bickering and trading of insults.

The most recent poll by the Chicago Tribune shows Brady leading Quinn 43 percent to 39 percent.


With the latest Quinnipiac University Poll showing Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett ahead of Democrat Dan Onorato 49 percent to 47 percent, both candidates are bringing out high profile support to help sway voters.

President Bill Clinton attended two rallies in Philadelphia suburbs for Onorato in an effort to secure the race for the Democrats. While across town, Corbett, solicited the help of Virginia governor Bob McDonnell and Mississippi governor Haley Barbou to rally Republicans to vote.


For the first time this election, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink is leading Republican Rick Scott in the Quinnipiac University Poll 45 percent to 41 percent.

This change is leader follows the tally that Scott has spent $60.1 million of his own money on his campaign. Since the primary, Scott has spent $9.9 million of his own fortune, while in comparison Sink has spent only $8.6 million since early 2009.

Reach reporter Clare Bergman here.



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