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Rahm Emanuel Hearts Chicago

Kelly Baron |
October 1, 2010 | 10:55 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

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The Enforcer is headed back home.

If you’ve been anywhere near anything even remotely related to the internet lately, you’re probably aware that Rahm Emanuel has announced his resignation as White House Chief of Staff. And you’ve probably also learned of his plans to run for Mayor of Chicago. 

At this morning’s announcement, neither Emanuel nor President Obama mentioned the subject of Emanuel’s decision to run for Mayor; he chose only to say that he was “exploring other options.” Smart move, considering Emanuel’s reputation for intense political polarization.

No surprise there, though. Emanuel’s reign in the West Wing has been full of smart moves—often carried out in a somewhat brash and “notorious profane” manner, yes, but damn smart. 

As a native Chicagoan, I have to say I’m thrilled at the thought of Emanuel running for Mayor. And yes, I belong to the young liberal side of the polarized playing field, so of course I’m rooting for such a ballsy, disciplined man such as this.

But even my staunchly Libertarian father is getting good vibes from Emanuel. He gets the idea that Rahm Emanuel’s “Enforcer” reputation will fit in perfectly with our hometown’s notorious attitude. My dad, the tall, strong epitome of a typical Chicago guy, described Emanuel as a fellow “typical Chicago guy.”

In other words: Tough. We are a city of industrialization; of hard-working Midwesterners; of good old go-getters. And we can be scary. If a political figure isn’t up to facing a city as tough as Chicago, they will be ripped to shreds.

Christ, just look at the sports mentality alone! I’ve been witness to more than a few Cubs vs. Sox fistfights on the ‘L.’ It’s just the norm.

Beyond the prospect of Emanuel, many Chicagoans are simply looking forward to a post-Daley era. After the Meigs Field controversy, the town was reminded of Daley’s authoritarian leadership. Goodbye landmark, hello resentment.

However, some also see Emanuel’s White House experience as detrimental to his connection to the city. While he has been quoted as calling Chicago “the greatest city in the greatest country in the world,” I do see that as a legitimate concern. In order to fix the problems a city faces, a person needs to be experiencing the problems first-hand.

At least, that’s the ideal. Realistically, how tied to the city was Daley by the end of his reign? A 35 percent approval rating by the end? Not very, it would appear.

But Emanuel knows this. He knows he’ll have to work as hard as ever for the support of Chicago, and that Chicago needs a determined, dead-fish-giving, tough-as-nails leader.  

It’s a love story with an ending to be determined. But the preview, thus far, is glorious. Enforce, Rahm. Come on home.


Reach Staff Reporter Kelly Baron here.

Follow her on Twitter @KellyBBaron.



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