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Obamas, Biden Stars Of Last-Weekend Rallies In Five States

Steele Meisinger |
October 29, 2010 | 4:26 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

President Barack Obama will spend the final weekend before the midterm elections campaigning in four key swing states.

Obama will attend get out the vote rallies in Bridgeport, Conn., and Chicago on Saturday, October 30, hoping to increase Democratic turn out on Election Day. He will also attend a Canvass Kickoff event in a Philadelphia neighborhood earlier that day.

Vice President Joe Biden will join Obama on Halloween Sunday in Cleveland for another major rally. Ohio is considered to be a crucial state for Obama to maintain his agenda.

First Lady Michelle Obama will also be participating in some last minute campaigning, holding two rallies in Philadelphia and Las Vegas the day before  elections.

The White House is focusing on these specific cities because they believe voter turnout here could really make the difference in the outcome of the midterm elections.

To reach reporter Steele Meisinger, click here.



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