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Much At Stake In Angle/Reid Nevada Senate Debate

Benjamin Gottlieb |
October 14, 2010 | 4:40 p.m. PDT

Associate News Editor

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will defend his congressional seat tonight in his first face-to-face debate with Republican Tea Party Challenger Sharron Angle.

Harry Reid (Courtesy of the Center for American Progress Action Fund)
Harry Reid (Courtesy of the Center for American Progress Action Fund)

The debate marks the first time the two candidates have shared a stage, and the only time they will do so before the November election. Angle has declined Reid's offer for further debates, stating that she wants an "informed electorate" to decide the Nevada Senate race. 

According to a recent Real Clear Politics poll, the Nevada's senate race is at a statistical tie going into tonight's debate.

Reid is seeking his fifth term as Senator for Nevada while his state maintains the highest unemployment rate in the county at 14.4%

For more information about what is at stake in tonight's debate, click here. To join an open discussion during the debate, click here.


To reach Associate Editor Benjamin Gottlieb click here, or follow him on Twitter.



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