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Less Than Jake Re-envision Classic TV Shows And Commercials

Nick Mindicino |
October 13, 2010 | 1:09 p.m. PDT


(Photo courtesy of Less Than Jake's Facebook page)
(Photo courtesy of Less Than Jake's Facebook page)
What ever happened to iconic television theme songs? They have become almost entirely a thing of the past. That is, until Less Than Jake released its new TV/EP.

In this whirlwind of a release, Chris Demakes (vocals/guitar), Roger Manganelli (vocals/bass), Vinnie Fiorello (drums), Buddy Shaub (trombone) and JR Wasilewski (saxophone) create a time capsule to take listeners on a short, enjoyable journey across TV land that all generations will be able to appreciate.

There are a total of 16 covers on this disc, and between each song, listeners hear the sound of static and clatter as the imaginary “channels” change.

In fact, looking at the tracklisting for the record, one will see that none of the songs have names; they are simply referred to as “Channels 1-16.” So, throughout this 11-minute offering, listeners are supposed to feel like they are watching television and simply coming across these jingles as they channel surf.

Surfing the tube is meant to be unpredictable, though, so this review will not disclose all of the songs that Less Than Jake perform. Some notable tracks, however, are their Freecreditreport.com jingle cover, their take on the Spongebob Squarepants theme song and the Different Strokes theme.

All the while, the men of Less than Jake inject an infectious energy into these songs, allowing their versions to eclipse the originals with ease.

Musically, the record is what one would expect. Less Than Jake’s signature ska-punk style comes across in every track, with the palm-muted guitars, dueling vocals of Demakes and Manginelli, tight horn section, and high-paced drums providing an unexpectedly good background to these soft television melodies.

The question, though, revolves around how this EP will hold up over time.

While it is sure to incite dancing, singing and laughter now, these songs will most likely gain the majority of their appreciation through live performances at Less Than Jake concerts as opposed to repeated plays of this release at home.

Still, Less Than Jake provide top-notch musicianship coupled with enjoyable doses of nostalgia, making the TV/EP a worthy addition to any music or television fan’s collection.



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