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What Are Americans Doing In Bed?

Evelina Weary |
October 8, 2010 | 9:22 p.m. PDT

Staff Writer

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Creative Commons
The most comprehensive sex study since Dr. Alfred Kinsey’s 1994 report revealed some interesting information about American’s current sexual behavior.

Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health Promotion and Church & Dwight Co., manufacturer of Trojan condoms, partnered together in a national survey that involved 5,865 people ages 14 through 94. The online survey asked the participants several questions about whom they had sex with, how much they had and what they did.

In a 130 page report, the most intriguing findings were:

-About 85 percent of men report that their partner had an orgasm at the most recent sexual event, compared to the 64 percent of women who report having had an orgasm at their most recent sexual event;

-The 14-17 age group is more likely to use condoms (79%) versus those 50 and older (13.7%);

-Men are more likely to orgasm when sex includes vaginal intercourse, while women are more likely to orgasm when they engage in a variety of sex acts and when oral sex or vaginal intercourse is included;

-Adults used more than 40 combinations of sexual activity described in their most recent sexual event;

-and rates of condom usage among black and Hispanic men were significantly higher than for whites.

The nearly 20 percent disparity in the orgasm research shows that men and women are on a completely different page when it comes to what pleases their partners. It’s not that women are “faking it” that surprises, it’s that adults are now using over 40 combinations of sexual acts and both parties aren’t fully enjoying it. I would like to thank the music-video-industry-turned-into- porn-industry, as well as the ever constant trend of porn on Google and men's and women's magazines for boosting the number of sex acts you can possibly do with your partner. For those men who did not guess correctly on their partner’s sexual well-being, they will be pleased to know that the study revealed women enjoy a variety of sexual acts.

Most people were surprised to learn that the younger demographic used more condoms during sex than their older counterparts. However, with the rise of health education in schools this is not shocking to me. The 14 to 17 age group grew up and are in a time when HIV/AIDS is something to be taken seriously and ever the more reason to wear protection. Additionally, health education is becoming more and more about teaching safe sex rather than the unrealistic approach of abstinence until marriage.

The baby boomers became sexually active in a time before the major spread of HIV/AIDS and the birth control was becoming more socially acceptable to use and eased the fear of pregnancy. Nonetheless, sexually transmitted diseases are always around and somehow this is not a push to wear a condom for our older demographic. At 50, the fear of pregnancy is not on the mind, but since many people are getting divorced, they are going back to the dating scene. Therefore, we may actually see a rise in STD’s in this age group versus the teens.

The study revealed that condom usage was highest in black and Hispanic men. Especially with Hispanic men, where I believed strong Catholic views would prevent using condoms, it is nice to know that these views are not steering people away from safe practices. Health education is becoming more prevalent in these communities, which usually have under-funded schools. There has been an increase in non-profits geared towards safer sex and HIV/AIDS prevention as community awareness rises. HIV/AIDS programs particularly are increasing in these communities which usually have a higher rates compared to others.

It will be interesting to see what happens to the sexual behavior of America in the next 20 years as social media plays a more important role in people’s lives and with children heading into puberty at an earlier age each year.

Reach Reporter Evelina Weary here.

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