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How Will Females Vote?

Lauren Incerpi |
October 29, 2010 | 3:46 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

(Courtesy of Creative Commons)
(Courtesy of Creative Commons)

With Tuesday's midterm elections quickly approaching, female voters throughout the nation are working hard to get women informed, excited, and willing to have their voices heard. 

However, one organization, the Feminist Majority Foundation, is stepping up this year with its Get Out Her Vote 2010 campaign.

 The Feminist Majority Foundation is the nation’s first and only student-led voter education and registration organization and focuses on gaining equal representation for women who are underrepresented in virtually all aspects of political and social life. 

The slogan of the campaign, “vote as if your life depends on it”, resonates with females of all ages, races, and ethnicities and encourages women to take the time to register and be an active part of changing the way women are treated.  The Feminist Majority Foundation has a campus program whose goal is to spread voter awareness throughout college campuses and provide easy ways for young women to register to vote. 

The philosophy behind the foundation's campus program is informed activism.  Feminists around the country are presenting students with accurate, startling statistics about abortion access, homosexuality, affirmative action and other controversial issues with the goal of convincing women that their voices have the power to improve quality of life for generations upon generations. 

The campaign itself is more geared toward issues principally affecting women such as unequal employment, abortion policies, and women’s rights posed by right-wing extremists. 

The foundation’s primary focus is on spreading awareness of the issues in order to provoke response. Along with educating college students about the political issues up for vote in the midterm elections, the Feminist Majority Foundation makes it incredibly easy to take action by providing a step-by-step guide to registering to vote on college campuses. 

The Female Majority Foundation also stresses the growth of campus groups by providing accessible ways for women around the nation to start their own campus programs in order to rally women to unite and stand up for their rights.  More than ever, social media is playing a major role in this year’s Get Out Her Vote campaign as countless Facebook and Twitter posts, celebrity endorsements, and progress blogs keep women in the know.  While only time can tell what these campaign efforts will result in for the 2010 midterm elections, the Feminist Majority Foundation has at least gotten the word out to “vote as if your life depends on it”, because let’s face it: it really does.  Check out the group's Youtube video urging women to vote below!

Reach reporter Lauren Incerpi here.



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