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Governor Schwarzenegger Tweets With Voters And Fans

Braden Holly |
October 21, 2010 | 5:00 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger hosted a tweetcast Thursday, as part of his ongoing effort to speak directly to the public without having to go through traditional media outlets. 

 The tweetcast had an informal feeling, and the questions ranged from serious political inquiries to requests that California’s top public official return to moviemaking. 

Schwarzenegger spoke out very strongly in opposition of Prop 23. The governor stressed that the campaign to pass Prop 23 is being funded by Texas oil companies that are major polluters in California.  He also countered their argument that the proposition would create jobs, saying that the green technology sector has the greatest potential and has created 10 times more jobs than any other sector since 2005.

“My fight to bring more jobs to California will continue,” Schwarzenegger said.

Schwarzenegger also responded to a question about his past as a bodybuilder, tweeting that he was still involved in the sport and still saw many of the men he knew during his days pumping iron.

The governor also confirmed that he has met with James Cameron, director of “Terminator” and recent blockbuster “Avatar,” and will announce the reason for the meeting the future.  An autobiography may be in the works as well.

“As to whether I will be doing movies again, I have no idea,” said the governor.

Schwarzenegger said that he believes courage is the greatest virtue and voiced his regrets over his inability to get more comprehensive campaign finance reforms passed. As recently as Oct. 16, the governor posted a video on his website in which he called for pension reform and said that private interests made passing true reform measures very difficult.


Reach reporter Braden Holly here.

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