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Brown V. Whitman: Today In The California Governor's Race, Oct. 4

Andria Kowalchik |
October 4, 2010 | 1:36 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


Meg Whitman’s crisis over her illegal immigrant housekeeper continues to dominate the campaign scene, and the debate remains whether Nicky Santillan will drive away the Latino vote Meg Whitman has been courting for months. With such a close race, the 18 percent Latino vote could be the determining factor in who becomes Governor. 


According to the latest Rasmussen poll, the first one since the maid scandal broke, Jerry Brown leads Meg Whitman by 5 percent, with 49 percent of the vote to her 44 percent. This is a 4 percent increase since the last Rasmussen poll.

The Los Angeles Times and The Sacramento Bee both endorsed Jerry Brown for governor this weekend. The Times said Brown was the best option available and that Whitman is “utterly devoid of background or experience in state government or policymaking,” and holds policy positions “seemingly more calculated to win the approval of angry voters and profit-seeking business leaders than to address the actual problems facing the state.” 

Whitman and Brown cancel Tuesday's radio debate: Politico

Whitman is falling behind: Real Clear Politics

LA Times endorses Brown: Reuters

Dante Atkins calls Meg Whitman "truly awful": Daily Kos

CalWatchdog asks, "Don't we have more important issues, such as the budget?"


Reach reporter Andria Kowalchik here.

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