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Brown V. Whitman: Palin Rallies Republicans

Alexandra Tilsley |
October 17, 2010 | 10:44 a.m. PDT

Senior News Editor

Sarah Palin stopped by Anaheim on Saturday, a day after Bill Clinton was in Los Angeles, to rally Republican voters. Palin told the crowd of more than 2,000 people: “Soon we’ll all be dancing.” Meg Whitman did not attend the fundraiser, though Jerry Brown attended the rally with Clinton on Friday.

The capital gains tax continues to make news after Brown said last week that Whitman stands to gain by eliminating the tax. Whitman would not say how much she would benefit.

Meg Whitman issued a statement criticizing Brown’s stance on immigration. Speaking about the DREAM Act, Whitman said: “He not only supports legislation that would enable that type of state spending, he said it would be ‘one of the first bills’ he’d sign.” NBC L.A. 

“Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown: A Bromance or Frenemies for Life?” Politics Daily 

The Santa Clarita Valley Signal chooses not to endorse either candidate, calling Whitman a “heartless Republican” and Brown a “spineless Democrat.” 


Reach news editor Alexandra Tilsley here. Follow her on Twitter: @atilsley.

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