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Barbara Boxer Pulling Away From Carly Fiorina In Field Poll

Steele Meisinger |
October 29, 2010 | 12:50 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Sen. Barbara Boxer speaks at a Democratic Party rally at USC on Oct. 22. (Shotgun Spratling)
Sen. Barbara Boxer speaks at a Democratic Party rally at USC on Oct. 22. (Shotgun Spratling)
Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer now stands eight percentage points ahead of Republican opponent, Carly Fiorina, according to the most recent Field Poll.

“With each poll, she gathers just a little bit more support, and she’s certainly in the most comfortable position now than she’s een in the past six months,” the poll’s director Mark DiCamillo said.

In defense, Fiorina’s campaign representative, Julie Soderlund, claims that other polls show "that California's U.S. Senate race remains a tossup."

To reach reporter Steele Meisinger, click here.



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